I, like many others I have since found out, played back in the day (I'm 63) and was good enough to entertain myself and maybe someone that didn't know how to hold a guitar. I have always owned a guitar and would pick it up and play what I know over and over and I can do that pretty good. But, and this is a big one, I never learned to finish a song, never learned the fretboard, and never learned theory. Fast forward to today and I have a 9- year old granddaughter that has always looked at my guitars on the wall and last week, it hit her. She came to Poppy and wanted to learn guitar. I almost cried. Really. I took one off the wall and since then she has been like a sponge. Being I can only show her so much, I began looking around for a good place for her to learn online and found Guitar Tricks. Guess who is taking lessons now, Hannah and me. We look forward to growing our playing together and I can't wait 'til she outshines me, which shouldn't take too long, she's really into the whole thing right now. We are going to have fun on this adventure and will keep you up to date on our progress. Thanks for being here.