If I can pass along any advice...
I'm not great at guitar but I've found it soothing to play. That's why I like it. I kind of forget about the bad day I've been having, and just enjoy it for what it is.
I'm not great at Barre chords either although I've learnt to be able to do it somewhat(The F Chord has become much easier for me) but my biggest struggle is the B chord when I have to crowd 3 fingers one to 2 strings so close together, I tend to do what I shouldn't right now and just use 2 fingers to cover all 3 strings and it works for now but eventually I'm going to have to either learn to barre those 3 strings along with the full barre 2 frets down or figure out a way to fit all 3 fingers on those 3 strings. However, it's ok cause I'm enjoying playing songs like To Be With You from Mr Big and while that tough chord is in there, I manage to mostly pull it off and when I don't, no one else is there to judge.