I know better than to take any credit for Mike mastering this classic but I do find it interesting that I've made two specific song request studies to GT............both heavily acoustic based: 1. From the Beginning ELO & 2. Roundabout by Yes.............and our fav GT instructor has more than done us all justice by teaching both of these classics!! Perhaps the two greatest intros ever on both songs.......and this tune cracks me up as I'm always trying to get my disinterested wife to desire to play rock classic trivia "Can you name this band that played this song??? You have a 50/50 shot at the correct answer!!"
At any rate.......great job once again, Mike.......and perhaps GT did listen to me.........I put in requsts for those two songs plus your great Pete Townsend study so GT does listen and act on great suggestions and places one of their aces onto the case!!
Jim C.