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I just found out what markpro was talking about. I played 3 strats, the standard mexican, Highway one and the American. The American is for sure the better guitar. The pickups are cleaner the tremolo is nice and it has bigger frets than the other tw0. The down side about $750. The Highway 1 was nice, the pick ups arent as good as the american but it is a great sounding ax. They go for about $550, and I would buy one, but what turned me off big time is the paint on them looks like crap. It looks like someone took a can of spray paint to it then just sent it out. If you can get past the paint the Highway one is a nice guitar. After playing those two then picking up the mexican standard strat, there is no way I would consider buying one. I didn't think there would be that big of a difference, but they sound cheap compared to the other 2. I think they they all are the same woods, but the difference is in the pickups, the neck and the bridge.