Originally Posted by: wolfsmgThey're pretty good and I think I'll listen to more of them.
Here's a musician secret: Most musicians don't like just one genre of music. There may be one that they prefer to play, but we look for inspiration from as many souces as possible. When I started playing bass many moons ago (okay, decades ago) I was a huge punk-alternative-gothic rock fan. But while learning bass I was introduced to the blues, jazz, and funk. My musical "horizon" spread and hasn't diminshed since. (There are some genres that I don't care for, but there are songs in those genres that I'll tap my foot to and/or try to learn at some point.)
Just think of it as part of your evolution as a musician. And I don't think deathcore music would be very useful for serenading someone, unless that's the type of person you're looking for.
Have fun and happy practicing.
I would not say it better. Don´t be afraid, that you listen to more genres of music. As wolfsmg said, it´s natural musical evolution. I also started with heavy metal and it´s still my favorite genre, but from the time I started to play bass, I began to listen more and more things, such as jazz, clasiccal music, pop. I have dozens of artists and songs in each genre, which I like and enjoy while listening.