Originally posted by PonyOne
My g/f likes rock and stuff. She grew up in a household where nobody takes anything seriously, and so two of her favorite performers are Devo and They Might Be Giants. I don't really like "silly" music that much, to me, it's the musical equivelant of a half hour of Nikelodeon cartoons. She's gradually become more and more accepting of serious music, thanks to me, and listening to less and less silly **** with dumb little noises (anybody heard of Zap Mama? euurghhh).
The only issue I really had with her not liking something I wrote wasn't even her not liking it. I played back a song that I'd done half on synth and half with guitar, sounded sorta like Prodigy. And she immedeately gripped onto the high-pitched synth sound I had going every measure and was moving her head back and forth to it, with a big stupid grin on her face and her tongue out. I hit the roof. IT WAS A SONG ABOUT MY FRIEND COMMITTING SUICIDE!!! Some girls just don't really seem to get music with depth to it, and then, you have the guys who drive slammed Civics and listen to thoughtless (albiet catchy) drum and bass stuff. My girlfriend plays music, but she didn't have much exposure to more heartfelt music growing up, save for Depeche Mode.
People who aren't musically talented get suckered into talentless music; it's easier for them to understand. We listen to a song that has a good solo, and can appreciate that as guitarists, and then can also appreciate the muted harmonic rythm guitar in the background, and the intricate bass and the brush hitting the cymbal behind all the thrashing of toms. And we bleed with the lead singer when he purs his sould into that last line. To everyone else, it's just hard rock. They go "eeeew" and them switch the dial to some pretty face with no talent saying "I want you back", swoon, sing along, and then talk about how X guy they know looks like Y celebrity.
I'm a musician. I'm an artist. I do my thing and everyone else falls into line. Nobody tells me how to do my art. (hey, I could incorporate that into a song...)
yes,Yes,YEs,YES that is the ticket.We are artists after all aren't we?