Satch's 'Love thing' seems appropriate here....I've always felt he succeeded in creating a 'makin love' kinda mood there, and I can copy the notes almost exactly if I take it a little slower than he did, but if I ever had a girl say to me 'I love you so much, you can copy a satch song!' I would know I was in for a hollow and meaningless relationship if I decided to try and make it any further.
Satch's 'Extremist' is a track I jam along with all the time, I've never copied his solo on that one because I prefer what I do with it....not that its better, its just's me being me on a guitar. If a chick complimented me on that, then i'd get the kick from it.
As for the 'thinking-of-sex-while-you-play' idea, I like it :) If you havent already, check out the section of Vai's website where he goes into the emotional and physical side to guitar playing....he gives examples of actions and feelings you can medidtate on and try and reflect with music......(orgasm isnt listed but after reading this thread I've gotta go try
'There's no such thing as bad weather, there's only the wrong clothes...'