View post (lightening fast leads don't go well with chicks)

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Joined: 02/04/01
Posts: 731
Joined: 02/04/01
Posts: 731
06/18/2002 3:53 pm
Actually, none of the girls I know could care less about playing charts. In fact, they generally don't care about playing anything, though sometimes if I play something that is "nice" they might like it. But think about it, if you're sitting there with a girl, no matter what you play is always going to be less interesting to them than if you actually sat and TALKED to them. Guitarists become too obsessed with their playing (I know I do) and forget that the best way to impress a girl is... There, you've already lost them by trying to figure out the trick to impressing them. Every girl is different, but the ones I like to hang out with like me to actually engage them in conversation, and listen to what THEY have to say, rather than go "Hey, check out my Satch solo", which is kinda like saying, "hey, check out my WRX".
"Dozens of people spontaneously combust each year, it's just not that widely reported".