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Joined: 04/20/01
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Joined: 04/20/01
Posts: 72
06/18/2002 10:14 am
Originally posted by THE_HACK_PACK
You know why women keep they're eyes closed during sex??
They hate seeing a man having a good time.

AHahha rite on man. i get teh drift. playing gigs don't get them panties flying no more. Oh well, i guess the stuff i play is too evil its not the 'feel good' brand. Popularity undermines it all bros... the chicks r looking out for idits that can play chart toppers. These teeny boppers don't know what arppegios are let alone hammer ons or chords. ask them to name a part of teh geetar ... see if u can get a response. All i get is "wow that sounds nice" , or "thats fast", and they leave. But its got the this after affect. The way i got into my current band is by showing off to my vocalists girlfriend (now his ex), i walked by one day and she's like ..."that kid can play fast" and i was in.

Though the band wanted me to play songs by coal chamber ... i brought in a bit of palm muted riffs of earth crisis and a dash of death metal riffs from walls of jericho. The band rocks now.

Whats wierd is that my band is made up of the most diverse kind of muscians. Don't get me wrong they're all good. - our vocalists obsessed with deftones, we've got a drummer who listens to techno, a guy stuck in drop b tunning and an awsome bassist, she listens to primus. I won't boast about myself...what teh hell why not .. ny hardcore and death metal, yada u've heard this b4.
wait whats this post about again?
real tyte bro \m/