Originally Posted by: bbzswa777jang,
I was completely obsessed (and still am). I usually practice around 3 hours every day. Any longer than that, and I'm not very productive. My hand gets too tired and sore after a few hours.
Funny. I only have one practice session a day, but I practice for as long as I have time for. My fingers don't get tired or sore from practicing for several hours, unless I'm doing palm muting or trills at full speed. Then it starts to hurt a bit... If I practice, take a 15 minute break and then pick up the guitar again and continue to practice, that's when the fingertips start to hurt like hell...
"Commit yourself to what you love, and things will happen."
- Mika Vandborg, Electric Guitars, "Follow Your Heart"
Chateau PS-10 Cherry Power-Strat
Epiphone G-400 LTD 1966 Faded Worn Cherry
Epiphone Les Paul 100 Ebony (w/ Oil City Pickups Scrapyard Dog PLUS pickups)
Epiphone ES-345 Cherry
Fender 2014 Standard Stratocaster Sunburst
Martin DX1K Acoustic
Fender Mustang II Amplifier
Jet City Amplification JCA22H Tube-head and JCA12S+ cabinet
- Mika Vandborg, Electric Guitars, "Follow Your Heart"
Chateau PS-10 Cherry Power-Strat
Epiphone G-400 LTD 1966 Faded Worn Cherry
Epiphone Les Paul 100 Ebony (w/ Oil City Pickups Scrapyard Dog PLUS pickups)
Epiphone ES-345 Cherry
Fender 2014 Standard Stratocaster Sunburst
Martin DX1K Acoustic
Fender Mustang II Amplifier
Jet City Amplification JCA22H Tube-head and JCA12S+ cabinet