Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today ~James Dean
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I was going to say at first that it didn't sound much like you were in a band. Then, I had a flashback to the days I was in a band back in '88. I recalled the same dynamics for the most part and realized yes you were in a 'band'. As you might guess I'm an oldhead and don't have much in the way of a musician in a band advice. When we were good we were good. When we weren't, was the last time I was in a band. Musicians grouping together in a like minded endeavor is just like anything else we HUMANS experience together in our orbits around Sol. Dynamics, egos, personalities et al have such a huge pendulum swing. Thank the Cosmos we aren't all from the same dough or cutter eh? Stick with what makes you feel good and find peeps that it does the same for. Life is way too short to sweat the small stuff. Have Fun.