Originally Posted by: Sgt TeeDoes anyone have such a thing like this. My herd is getting bigger and thinking I should take out some insurance on my guitars and amps. I was hoping maybe someone on here has a suggestion or a Insurance company to go to, Thanks....Pete[br]ow, dude, I remember a case, when I was transporting some guitars when I worked as a courier to earn money in order to buy my own guitar. And you know what? That moment I was transporting guitars I had an accident where I wasn't fault... That guitars were expensive enough (as it turned out, it cost about $15 thousands) and I thought I had to go into debt to pay the damaged guitars, but my Courier Insurance paid all the guitars cost to the owner and also paid me compensations for moral damage. By the way, my car also was repaired, and, due to that guys I text this message and can learn playing guitar, instead of getting into debts...