Originally posted by firstwardrocker
Are there any tuners that have a mode to do drop d tuing & 1 or 1/2 or 2 1/2 step down tuing?
You can do drop-d tuning or the other tunings mentioned with any set of tuners. However, I assume you mean something like Eddie Van Halen has that allows you to change quickly from drop-d to regular tuning. Musician's friend carries these tuners for a Floyd Rose (TM) style tuning system ($50 apprx)
http://www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/sid=020426090818067210254027694760/search/g=home/detail/base_id/41025 and you can also get a seperate actual tuner head for normal tuning systems, but I don't think from Musician's Friend. You'd have to shop around a bit . . . try some places that deal specifically with guitar parts, like
or http://www.stewmac.com
Hope this helps. Disclaimer: I haven't actually used either companies or any of the products recommended. Test and try before you buy.
Just my 2cents ;-)