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Joined: 04/23/24
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Joined: 04/23/24
Posts: 0
05/16/2002 8:21 pm
Well I could send you each individual clip, but I could probably fix it up myself, make sure the overlapping doesn't produce any distortion.

As for what i think we should do with the whole track... I'm not sure exactly. I could try and work out some melody but I'm not sure it would turn out that great, seems more like a vocal type peice.

Also, I'm leaving in two days to British Columbia where I'll be staying for a week, so I won't be able to do anything and will probably need a bit of time when I get back to polish up my chops again.

15-18 seconds- thanks for the compliment! It's good to hear, because I really didn't wasn't sure about my lead part, I didn't like it too much. I spent a ton of time just jamming over that loop, it was driving me crazy!
I think probably the worst part is the last section, once it turns into E minor. I knew I wanted to compliment the change with something in E minor but I don't think I executed it very well (timing is a bit off.. ), but by that time I was getting so fed up with my playing I gave in.