The below is written within my four series/novels titled,'Mr. Modem (Man Of Dark Energy Matter). Mr. Mode is a super hero who fights aliens who need live musicians/harmonics for nourishment. Joe Hurt had Ethiopian mail order bride who ditched him. Mr. Mode became who he is because he got drunk on job at CERN, crawled into the accelerator and passed out. His co-workers turn the machine on and Joe Hurt fell into a black hole and went all the way back to beginning of time. My alter ego wrote these novels because the part about this ethiopian bride is true. My X is in these novels! The rest aint true. I never worked at CERN. I wrote 30 yrs of songs and inventions into this science fiction theme-its hot! Any collaborators out there? I need demo and website for ebooks. Contact [email][/email] p.s. enjoy below song. P.S. see other song in songwriting forum under johnnyasteroid
Shes cream 'O' thee crop
He's **** 'O' thee walk
She's got lots of diamonds
He's got lots of time for sweet lovin
They like to rock when they walk
Their legs like to do the criss cross
Oooh, ee, ooh, ah, la bing bang
Oooh, ee, ooh, ee, ah,ah, ye,hey,hey,hey hey!
I need to be seen with you
I need to keep in touch with you
I need to keep in tune with you
I never want to see you flying no coo- coo-coo-coop
I need to stare at you
I need to share with you
I need to hear you
I never gonna let anyone pull no coo-coo-coo-da dee coup
She's cream 'O' the crop
He's **** 'O' the walk
She's got a diamond studded compact
He's got lots of answers and come backs...yea, hey, hey, hey!
They like to rock when they walk
Their legs like to do the criss cross
Oooh, ee, ooh, ah, ah, yea, hey, hey ,hey la bing bang
Repeat chorus-
She's cream 'O' the crop
He's **** 'O' thee walk
She's got a diamond polka
He's got to poke fun at you,,, yes, hey, hey, hey!
They like to rock when they walk
Their legs do the criss-cross
ooh, ee, ooh, ah, la bing bang
Oooh, ee, off ah, yea, hey, hey hey!
Repeat chorus-
She's cream 'O' the crop
He's **** 'O' thee walk
He's a timid lot, she's not
She pees in the middle 'O' thee pot
She has a studded diamond bowl
He's got lots of sweet love in his soul... yea, hey, hey, hey
They like to rock when they walk
Their legs do the criss cross
Oooh, ee, ooh ah, la bing bang
Ooh, ee, ooh , ah, yea, hey, hey hey hey