Agree, compart1 and gypsyblues73. I saw a solo Aaron Lewis recently. When he played an off note, he paid it little mind and so, then, did we. In fact, I don't think many in the audience even picked up on it. Aaron's imperfection made the show all the more intimate. Gave it that sitting-around-a-friend's-living-room feel. You're right, gypsyblues73. If you don't call unnecessary attention to your mistakes, chances are others won't either.
Thanks for your comment, PJ. And best of luck to you in the Championship Round of the competition. Fingers crossed. ;)
Interesting blog, bdubois! You make valid points in your posts. I wholeheartedly agree with you that performing is addictive. The only way to get around stage fright is to go through it, and what awaits on the other side is so worth a little discomfort. Thanks for the shout-out. :)