But the Pros and Cons of the free version, as I've explored it so far.
• It has a strong game feel; probably the closest simulation to Guitar Hero that I've seen that allows you to use a real guitar.
• They do have some cool songs to learn, but I have no idea how quickly they're able to update them, and that's a BIIIG factor to the usability of their app.
• The interface is really dynamic, with lots of cool animation.
• You have to have a guitar to play - maybe not a huge con, but I know that a lot of aspiring musicians don't down their own instruments yet.
• No tuner -- if you're going to have an app that relies on note detection I can't see how you wouldn't provide a tuner. If people's guitar's aren't in tune then how can your software work?
• Too many basic features are in the Upgrade only...like the ability to pause the songs, see the note name and see the chord names. Basically the app is useless as a learning tool unless you buy the Upgrade.
okay...super fail. I went into the setting page, and the app froze, and now it keeps crashing at launch. So...yeah...guess the review is done.