Originally Posted by: electric circusi have opportunity to get this amp. its about 10 yrs old, but old played for like 1/2 hour and put away. the guy bought it for church use and found he liked his acustic better.
so it was put away and never thought of again.
the price is $150.00
i have about 8 amps now and really dont NEED this one, but
i dont have a princeton and thought it might add to my collection.
anybody have one? your thoughts?
Just looking around, that seems like a pretty average used price so I'm not seeing it as a steal. Granted, it's hasn't been played at all, really so that's a definite positive.
If you need that kind of sound, buy it. However, if you're going to buy it and it's going to be added to the 'pile' and may not get much use then I don't know that I would buy it. The deal isn't such that I'd think it was a reason to jump on it.