I suppose by organised I meant the Excel Spreadsheet I use to hold together all the bits I use to practice.
In there I've got a tab for each area I want to cover with links to other files or programmes and all the GT web addresses covering various lessons I want to go back to and what's next to do. That last bit is a sort of refinement of the bookmarks within GT.
This helps keep all my stuff in one place and means I hopefully won't forget to go back to something I wanted to. I use big red letters to highlight those bits or just something simple like "slow it down and play it more acurately!" on certain tabs :)
Then when I do open the spreadsheet up I sort of dip in and do whatever I want at that time, hopefully covering all the usual areas of warm up, strumming open chords and barre chords followed by scales and solo work. It sounds grand as I write it but it's just what comes naturally with a little bit of discipline thrown in - some days I push it, some days I don't! But it all fits in with my goals to get to a point where I can actually back it up when I say "I play guitar"
I never set times for certain areas of practice I'm afraid, that's just too much discipline for my liking. Some days I play 'til my fingers hurt bad, others I mess around for a half an hour but in the end the aim is to do enough over any given period to keep myself moving forward, something I've found hard in my previous attempts at guitar over the years.
That's my 2 pence worth....
[FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium]Youtube Channel - Jim47ww[/FONT]