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Guitar Tricks Moderator
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 07/05/00
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01/15/2002 3:43 am
Originally posted by Parrot Head 1970
Personally, I think he's Joe Satriani's greatest student ever. He took what he learned and applied it to a style that suited him. He has grown as a musician for over a decade and continues to release interesting material.

Compared to Larry LaLonde? Pah-lease!
From pioneering death metal with Possessed, to Blind Illusion, to total weirdness in Primus, to more electronic outlets like No Forcefield, Ler's the man.

Originally posted by guitargod420 for those of u people who say kirk is not that good that just makes you that much worse cause you have no idea what your talking about...

Metallica Rules you people r just jealous of kirk and wish you could play that good

Careful where you tread here. Now I'm not upset here, and I'm not going to bust your ass, but there are a lot of people on this board who have heard way more than just Metallica. I agree with you in that speed isn't everything, but on the other hand many people listen to Hammett (myself included) and hear rapid E minor wanking. Realize that as time goes by you're going to hear a lot more bands and guitarists, and you really don't know what's out there. A good friend of mine started out on Metallica, now he's all about SRV. He still likes them, but he's found things that interest him a lot more. Now if you don't that's fine, this is all about taste. You shouldn't like Hammett any less after reading this or anything else anybody posts; if what he plays speaks to you, then that's cool. Just keep in mind that in terms of versitility and overall musicianship, there's a lot you have yet to hear.

And this is so much about taste...
That's why I like to stay out of these threads.
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Careful what you wish for friend
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