Kirk is the fu#kin man, ever since i started playing guitar i learned metallica songs and have relized that kirk is by far one of the best guitarist there is. i think if anything hes underrated as a guitar player kirk has his own style of playing that most of you wish you had, nobody and i mean nobody builds a solo into the song like kirk does and as far as james writing most of the songs yes he writes the rythem but not the leads. so for those of u people who say kirk is not that good that just makes you that much worse cause you have no idea what your talking about. It seems to me that you people think the only way your a good guitar player is that every one of your solos is fast but once agian your wrong. yes kirk used play pretty fast solos on the records but now dosent the reason for this is his style of music has changed and beleive it or not thats a good thing. If kirk was still playing the same way now as he did 20 years ago all his solos would sound the same and that my friends is a bad thing , im a little high right now so im going to stop typing
Metallica Rules you people r just jealous of kirk and wish you could play that good