Originally posted by icecool
I would like to start up a debate over Kirk Hammett.
A lot of people think he is an over-ratted piece 'o crap, others think that he's a genious . . .
I would have to go for the former.
Originally posted by crazyguy
. . . but Kirk's solos are mostly "empty" for me. It's almost as if he's playing random notes and they sound good every once a while, based on probbability. He HAS improved over the years, but I still don't hear HIM in his playing. It's more like : " What is this? Is this a solo? Was that out of key? Is he listening to the band while playing?"
I know what you're saying. Most of his solos sound like they don't even have a key.
Originally posted by crazyguy
I would never use Mr. Hammet in the same sentence with words like "genius", "brilliant" and such.
Well, as long as you include the words "is not", it'll be ok.