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Joined: 04/06/08
Posts: 16
05/31/2009 4:43 pm
Originally Posted by: 2thankful4wordsOne of the things that I am having trouble with is where the different notes on the guitar lie on a staff. Can anyone recommend a good book that shows maybe the tabs and the notes? I can read the notes on the staff, and I know most of the notes on the guitar, but knowing that this note is middle C, and this is the C above middle C, etc, is something I need to work on.

I have recently brought a book called Teach Yourself Guitar Scales for Absolute Beginners it's written by Cliff Douse and includes a play-along CD
As long as by Staff you mean the same thing as I do when I say Fingerboard this might be a good book.

Then there is this book I've got out of my local library called The complete Guitarist by Richard Chapman forward by Les Paul go to Page 40 to see where all the notes are on the fingerboard. Plus the book has info on the history of the Guitar and lots of stuff to teach yourself too.

Have fun.
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