At any rate I always wanted to say that by the time I turned 40 I could play guitar. My wife pointed out that whether or not I learned i was inevitably going to turn 40 either way and what do i have to lose except time? I talked to some musicians and they laughed when I told them this story, especially the part about not having enough money. One of them told me that he would be mad at me if I paid more than 100.00 for a guitar! He went on to tell me that I could find a nice starter acoustic for under 100.00. I might have to get a used one but I could do it.
I found a guitar online for 100.00. I had a 30 gift card left over from x-mas and I picked it up in person to avoid shipping. The total after taxes was a whopping 78.00. I then swapped the strings for 10 bucks and had a great acoustic Gibson Maestro that sounds nice and bright and actually holds a tuning remarkably long!
This was the best decision I've made in along time. It's like getting to learn a secret language. I've always been a late bloomer anyway and will cover a lot more ground now as an adult who appreciates how quickly time moves than I ever would have as a kid anyway!
Go old guys! You're never too old to rock!