I highly recommend the Yamaha SG or SBG series guitars.
If you're uncomfortable with the physical dimensions of Les Paul style guitars, a Strat or Strat-style axe may suit you just fine. But while you're doing your research, take the time to see how highly a particular guitar is rated by people who actually own and play them.
My own review of "Brand X" appears on Harmony Central http://www.harmony-central.com/Guitar/Data4/Yamaha/SG1000-01.html On this page, 7 reviews gave it a net rating of [u]9.9[/u] out of 10! There are several model variants, (SG-1000, SG-2000, SG-3000, SBG-1000, etc.) but its startling to see how highly any version of this axe is praised by its owners. I sold a mint condition '62 Strat when I came up short of rent money, but kept my Yamaha. Its that good!
Your proposed budget should leave you room for any mods you might want to make, like different pickups. The thing is, dead stock, out-of-the-box, its a world-class guitar. One of the music world's best-kept secrets.
Remember, ultimately, its your ears that will know you're playing a good guitar. The name on the headstock means squat!
...'n thass th'way I feel...