For whatever progression I'm working on - today it is Am C G Em - I place my fingers for the first chord as close to perfect as I can. I make sure each string sounds with no muting, and then lift my fingers up slightly, then back down. Repeat this 25 times for the first chord, then 25 times for the second, etc. Then, I'll start back at the first chord and to 20 repeats for each chord, then 15, then 10, then 5. I will stop myself a random times and make sure my body position is right, make sure all the strings sound clearly, and check my wrist postion - that was my thread on wrist postion. 8^)
I've done this a few times and for most of the basic progressions I've tried, I usually can do 60 bpm within a day or two using straight strumming.
Let us know how it goes for you!