View post (The Official Magicninja 25th Birthday Thread)

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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 03/13/02
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Guitar Tricks Moderator
Joined: 03/13/02
Posts: 3,827
03/01/2007 9:56 pm
Oh man that B-day thread was a bit on the epic side. As such I feel you can only get one of those kinds of birthday threads. However I could use some driftwood, a Gremlins movie poster and a half eaten Twinkie. Rep point for the bearers of gifts. :D

Leedog thanks for the sais, Schmange tell the monkey I appreciate it. Jon thanks for the power man, it really feeds my ego. Everyone else thank you all! I'm happy I can make you feel old and decrepit or still feel like you're young and have some time to spare. :cool:
Guitar Tricks Moderator

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