I used to think differently, but I now believe that seeking speed for its own sake is pointless - you need to concentrate on playing clean and clear... the speed will come anyway with time.
If you want to be as good as YJM, that's one thing.... if you want to be just like him, it's a waste of time - you won't be better at doing what he does than he is. There are all sorts of exercises on this site that will help you get better. If you like YJM you'll probably want to concentrate on alternate picking exercises and the harmonic minor.
Here is an example: http://www.guitartricks.com/lesson.php?input=4015 - look at the 'by inspiration' menu to the left - there's an Yngwie section that might help you...
I practice for 2 hours a day, and I think I do OK. When starting I'd advise doing a 20 minute session. Once you're happy with that go to an hour, and then maybe a couple. Players like Vai say they played for 8 hours every day for years and years - to be honest I don't believe it... I think it's something you say...
How long have you been playing? It's more important to have regular practice than it is to have mammoth sessions... :cool: you don't need tendonitis...
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com