....i'm a fan, not too obvious, is it? (deja vu)
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whereas i was harping on dream theater/john petrucci, rush, etc. now may i get your opinions on my favorite guitarist of all time, STEVE MORSE. this guy totally 100% makes me wanna die! i got the chance to see him and deep purple this past june in indy. i sat in awe and shock at the tone, feel and otherworldly technique he possesses. one example, he was using alternate picking on arpeggios (at a very high rate of speed!) ninth wonder of the world, he is! and his use of chromatic scales is what i believe influences me the most. anyhow, anyone else out there floored by the great stevo?
....i'm a fan, not too obvious, is it? (deja vu)
....i'm a fan, not too obvious, is it? (deja vu)