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High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
High Bandwidth
Joined: 04/12/01
Posts: 443
09/14/2001 8:26 pm
Originally posted by guitargod420
im a little cofused on what that dude was saying but the one dude gots it right just take the low E string on the 7th fret and make it match your open A

dropped is a really cool sound many advantages to playing in dropped d but also some disadvanteges


If you tune this way your going to tune a B note to your,
A string this is not going to get you a droped D TUNING.
Why don't you just learn the notes on the A string,
that way you will know that at the 5th fret on the,
A string when closed is a D note.
You want to use a open D string or D note closed on your,
5th string=5th fret to tune your open E string to.

yours truly Mark Toman