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Joined: 02/29/04
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Joined: 02/29/04
Posts: 82
09/08/2006 11:00 am
Originally Posted by: Lao_TzuHow do u start learning music theory? ive been doing nothing but practicing scales and modes and general shredding but i want to make sense of it all and start making it msuical.
any pointers because when someone starts talking all these 9ths and 7ths and 5ths and how to make new chords and structure things. my mind gets instatnly baffled and turned of. even tho i want to learn it. could someone point me in the right direction?

Lao, read through the Beginners to Advanced Series at my lesson site ( I've been teaching this stuff "theory" stuff for over 20 years and have put together a ground up approach to aclimating yourself in theory and it's concepts.

Start right at the Intervals, after that move on the the rest of the subjects. I'll show you how those simple ideas are used in many aspects of music theory, and music in general.

It'll take you right through Diatonic Theory. And, if you have time on your hands to learn, you'll have a much better understanding by the end of the weekend. And, you'll gain a firm foundation for understanding even deeer concepts of theory.

They're free, good luck, and have fun!

Here's a the breakdown, read them in this order:

The Beginner to Advanced Series

Intervals: 5 Part Series

Chord Construction: 12 Part Series

Diatonic Theory and Modes: 14 Part Series

Determining What Key You Are In

Explanation of Modes within a Progression

Modal Chord Grips: 2 Part Series