Before you take it to someone who will squeeze a fine sum of money out of you for almost nothing, do this, if you haven"t already.Chances are, you did, but just in case.Open the pedal.Take a clean cloth (cotton) and some alcohol.
Clean it inside, especially the connections. (hope this is the right word.)
Uhm, I don"t know how do you guys call it in English... It is a screwdriver
with a little light bulb on the end, indicating if you have power in a cord.
Plugg the pedal and check that out.Ispitivač, that is how we call it. (A crash course in Croatian ;) ). Also, if you have a spray that is used to remove grease or rust and stuff, I don"t know again how do you guys call it, apply
that on the inside of the pedal with no fear.If it doesn"t work properly after that, then take it to some "expert".Considering it is a few years old, you don"t have a warranty, and since it is not working good in any case, you can"t do any real damage, right?
Try that. Clean it up real good an look for any loose conections or stuff.If you haven"t done so already.This may sound silly, but try it out.Hope I helped some? ;)