strap locks are an inexpensive way of avoidng embarrassment. i've put them on all the guitars i preform with. a story about that is i was playing the guitar in one song at my school's christmas concert(for my school brass band where i also play cornet trumpet,baritone,tuba,keyboard,bass drums and double-bass violin) when it happened, what guitatrist fear more than breaking a string playing live is when your guitar strap comes of your guitar and you drop it. well this happened to me but i caught it before it hit the ground i don't think to many people in the crowd noticed it because i wasn't playing in front of the band i was sort in the back of the band playing, but i was so embarrased and i promised myself that wouldn't happen again so i went to a guitar shop not to far from my house and asked them if they had a strap that was so tight that it wouldn't fall off and they told me i didn't need a new strap that i should buy strap locks and i did and it hasn't happened again. So fellow guitarist please invest in buying strap locks so this doesn't happen to you a pair of schaller guitar locks only $10.00-15.00. if not for you do it for the people who have to listen to all that noise when your guitar hits the ground.
"Take my hand boss"