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Disco Bandit
Joined: 12/20/05
Posts: 1,929
Disco Bandit
Joined: 12/20/05
Posts: 1,929
05/01/2006 10:32 am
well for me my guitars and music are my girlfriend for now..they dont complain, they keep me company..they dont require atention..they make incredible sounds..i reckon..wat more would u ask for? an introvert myself..always have been and always will be...maybe more to egoistic issues...but of course i have my fair share of problems in life..i get depresed from time to time when things dont go the wayi'd expect it to...then ill start writing (which i love to do)..i love to write alot poetry...and i do photography as its the best way i can express myself i feel...with the help of alcohol it boosts inspiration and imaginations...

cud we be just sad people? coud we be ppl that really have nosocial life? lol...nah i refuse to believe so..its just a past time as maybe most of us are pretty through with our social lives in the past and have become more isolated... thats how i percieve myself at least...alatho i make songs that make ppl suffer dearly due to my horrible voice but i get anintense amount of satisfaction..i try to write great lyrics but its not as easy..maybe it takes time.. but yeah most of the time alcohol makes me think and write sucks cos my guitar skills suck big time as well as my vocals...but i never really cared...its just the matter of expressing myself...ppl wud probably hate what ive done but i dont care...i might be making a fool out of myself but hey..i feel much better as a least im no pop musician that does it for the sake of fame and fortune..tho im not saying all pop stars do that but the majority...perhaps...hardly anyone writes their own songs now in the music the past we wud have heaps..complicated...hmm..i dont even know what to think anymore..
[FONT=Impact]grooviest tunes ever [/FONT]