Originally Posted by: ericthecableguyFinally! Someone I can relate to. You're you. You've been you all your life, and because some broad wants you to change that, you know better.
I've got a friend who changes for girls, and I expose him to himself every time and make him realize how much of a dink he's being.
Then again-I could be totally wrong about everything....
Since we're all being really honest about everything, why not, I couldn't always be completely me in the relationship. I got a form of Autism(look it up if you wanna understand ;)) which also gives me problems in social life, and whenever the pressure was too high my mind went shut, since she often forced me to say something because she wanted an answer right away I rarely could tell what I really felt or thought since my mind was clouded, if I was given time to give things a rest I could really clearly explain everything though.
she never understood it and also didn't show appreciation when I was myself. She couldn't handle with me having Autism, she often said 'you're normal, there's nothing wrong with you, stop saying that s**t', well.. the facts were clear I did have it and living with someone who can't accept it is not a good proces to learn to deal with it, I can honestly say that no one in my environment even has the slightest idea that I have Autism, and that is a compliment I often get when I do tell people this. Fear ruled my ex-girlfriend's life and I feel sorry for her, unfortunately I've come to accept that I can't help her anymore, especially since I've managed to overcome my own fears.
but after reading the story of PonyOne, I haven't got anything to say about my own problems really, how did you manage after the breakup? respect that you got out of there allright, always bear in mind 'it's for the best'.
respect for jeffhx indeed, same as ericthecableguy someone I can relate to, compared to being open about personal issues. It's a sign that you're beginning to accept your own demons, now deal with them!
= good music is good drinking =