I'm gonna be straight forward with ya, at this moment I feel really f****d, why? because about a month ago my girl dumped me after 2,5 years, to explain how that felt like.. we had plans to start living together, and in the long run getting married, have children etc. so you can guess.. right now I feel frickin' lonely and I have a big urge to grasp for some beer or anything stronger to pass time and make me feel good for a short while, she was my life, I didn't have that many friends or hobbies beside her because I gave everything to her (I know, really stupid, don't even be that kind/dumb even if you think the person deserves it), so what I'm doing right now is to give myself 100% for anything in reach, try not to be lonely, it screws with your mind and before you know it, you're down on the bottom of the pit where you came from
why am I telling this? well first of all I needed it off my chest ;) second, I think it applies to every situation, if you feel bad go hang out with some friends or find a hobby which costs you quite an effort and gives you results which in the end make you feel even better
= good music is good drinking =