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Joined: 12/30/05
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Registered User
Joined: 12/30/05
Posts: 10
04/29/2006 9:05 pm

I've been through this issue, and it's good that at least you recognize something's not right. My sister has been in and out of rehab, and at one point I finally realized I needed to chill out a bit. Every time I went out I got totally effed up. There are a lot of possible reasons as to why, whenever you drink, you drink too much. It sounds as if you have an addictive personality, which is common in a lot of people who see it manifested in different ways (drinking, eating, shopping, sex). It's good that you took a step back, but if you really want to get on top of the problem you should find either someone to talk to, or else sit in on an Alcoholics Anonymous group, which doesn't cost much. You're still young, but that also makes it harder since a lot of us like to cut loose before we "grow up." But at the same time, it's important to get a grip on your situation now so it doesn't carry into your adult years. It's expensive, and in ways you may not have considered yet. It can ultimately cost you your friendships, your family, and any other relationships you may have. Good luck with it, and please keep us up on your progress.
