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Joined: 09/19/02
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Joined: 09/19/02
Posts: 3,941
04/21/2006 4:33 pm
CTS can be a horrible thing for anybody, but especially a guitarist. I feel that I am slowely developing it, but it doesn't get in the way of anything yet. The only advice I can give you is to stop playing, and give it a rest if you are in pain. "No pain, no gain" is ass opposite of how CTS works. You might also want to invest in a wrist brace that has a hard plate in it that keeps your hand and wrist in a propper position. Other than that, talk to your doctor to see what all you can do to help out. If I'm not mistaken, CTS is preventable, but not reversable once it starts. Once it starts, all you can do is prolong it until it gets too bad and you have to have surgery. Even then, there's no garantee that it won't come back. My mother had CTS surgery 3 times... once in her left, and twice in her right. I know this isn't very encouraging, but it helps to know all you can about CTS, so you know how go about dealing with it. Good luck, and I hope things get better for you! Nothing worse than having something keep you from being able to play your guitar. I broke my hand twice a while back, and it really sucked. If I'm not mistaken, our own hbkolb just had CTS surgery not too long ago. Maybe he can chime in and tell you about his experience.

Oh, and welcome to GT!! I hope you can stay around awhile and get to know us... you can't alway's judge a book by it's cover! Take care...
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]