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Joined: 02/20/05
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Joined: 02/20/05
Posts: 2,714
03/19/2006 2:52 am
Originally Posted by: Dr_simondude the thing about misbehaving at school is that it trains you how not to get caught later on in life !

I'm pretty much the master of that. For stupid stuff like this I don't care but I go all out commando even if its just trowing a stink bomb. My school has lots of camera's so you have to avoid them. A few weeks ago it was a full week of kids throwing stinkboms, at least twice a day. I threw 3 that week. They call me the uni-bomber now cause I was the only one not to get caught.....further more, I was escourted to the office to empty my pockets. I put the bombs right in front of the vp's face....she let me go. I had them hidden in two highlighters.....damn I'm good. I opened the door to my vending class and threw them across the hall into the school store. A freshman threw one a few minutes later and got caught and blamed for mine. I've been contemplating what to do for senior prank....steal this metal knight they have and weld a "penis and scrotum" to it then take it back, or a smoke bomb that could fill half the school, and its a big school.
"During this line, the kid acted like he was pushing buttons on a calculator in the air. The kid played ******* air-calculator!"
