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Joined: 01/24/04
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Registered User
Joined: 01/24/04
Posts: 202
03/11/2006 1:08 am
I have bought some earplugs that are called hearos and they are the kind that are like a cone with grooves in them and they are supposed to work well but I never can get them to work right. I am a singer guitarist and I never can hear myself clear enough. I dont like earplugs because it takes away the sound that I need to hear to know we sound good. But my ears hurt after practice and I dont want to loose my hearing. What should I do?

Also by the way, I have horrible feedback in my practice room, what can I do? No matter how far I try to the mics from the speakers it feedsback, and I need to have the speakers aimed somewhat at me so that I can hear myself. Please let me know what you know. THanks
Mike ;)