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Joined: 12/27/05
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Registered User
Joined: 12/27/05
Posts: 169
04/08/2006 3:02 pm
Legato: I have a good exercise to strenghten legato, practice till u can do one handed

p=Pull of
^=hammer on



i think its the 5th mode of "A" harmnic minor?
but if you play on b string not e wa-la....u have something that will go well over "E" harmonic minor "yngwie style improv, i will get to later"

Improvisings a tricky thing to explain how to do.
1. try learn the scales inside out. but try not to feel restricted another hard thing to explain or every time you improvise you will go up and down which can be very hard to leave.

2. In a way think of it like tony hawks games "lol yes" while you improvising occasionly you will do something you like a combo in comparison
now note that and build on it get your repitoir of "combos" remeber how that "combo" sounded eg happy, you can expres your self while improvising. "also making up a starting lick help's alot."

3. you dont have to be playing notes the whole time, know when to hold ,slow down and speed up. learning relatives would help

4. find your own groove

But for yngwie style "neo classical" which is kinda like bach"the composer" .

Try learn most"all" the notes from E harmonic minor from 7th fret A string up wards on every string. Thats a good start. then you can bring it to lower notes using the exercise as above but played on B strings.
Then say u play in arpegiotic "is that even a word" use the 1st 3rd 5th notes of the scale. then keep moving up or down octaves.

Some of that may not make sence im realy tired atm
PS. you might not want to take advice from some one who just turned? 15 :(

I realy hope it helps.

*edit* something i missed out
~Dont just improvise of basic styles realy chanlenge your self. Even improvise in styles you may dislike,reggae and contry would be a good start as there a little diferent~
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