Originally Posted by: Fret spiderlearn all the intervals eg fouths fiths flart thirds and make riffs up out of these unusual changes in pitch.
u can also think about when the notes u r playin are also in the chord u are playin over, eg outlinin the chord. if u want to take this futher when u play over chords try to use chord tones (notes from the chord u r playin over, eg root 3 5 7 ), passin tones (a note that connects 2 chord tonnes this is usually chormatic), approach tonnes (notes that are one semitone below or above the chord tone and are played before it), and tensions( the 9 11 13 notes these are just the 2 4 6 notes). try to play tensions sparingly so they act as tensions, u can follow or precede them with either at leat an interval skip of a third or a rest.
Thanks for the help everybody!
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