And i dont like thinks between my guitar and my amp!
I just want to plug directly guitar in the amp!
By the way,in pick ups chart,when they says "mid",which range of frequencies are involved?I think bass are around 100-200 Hz,highs around 2500-3000 Hz.Isnt'it?
I have measured the frequency response of my amp with various settings,and i saw that i can move the resonant peak from about 200 Hz to 4500 Hz(with a very scooped sound!)So,again,what pick up in the bridge of my guitar?
I think in the neck I can choose a Duncan Distortion because is powerful and full of mids and high:i use the neck position for soloing and i think it is good.But for the bridge?
Thanks to all can give me support
A special thanks to trendkillah for this useful dialogue.