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Joined: 04/18/05
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Registered User
Joined: 04/18/05
Posts: 1,334
02/10/2006 5:03 pm
Never used leaf drums, if there is no function that allows you to export to mp3 or wav, then try opening your onboard recorder and hitting record, then playing the leaf track material. You should be able to record this way... if not, then you will have to bring it down a level and record D.I. into a minidisc or iPod etc, then play in back in the input on your pc and record it into your soundcard. THis is the worst way.... I used to do it like that when I started.... If you don't have any recording software and you don't want to spend money, try a search for freeware on
What kind of soundcard are you using and what recording software do you have?