Originally Posted by: jiujitsu_jesusUrgh, Dream Theatre :( ... technically flawless, yes, but I personally find them a bit dry. Their music, while dazzling, is overwrought and unemotional - and they tend to bang on a bit, being more interested in producing soundscapes than writing songs, so to speak. As far as progressive metal bands go, I prefer Queensryche. Evocative lyrics, intriguing progressions with killer pop-metal hooks, and Chris deGarmo - not as fast as John Petrucci, but about ten times more interesting.
As for the best rock band in the world, my vote goes to Pink Floyd.
it doesnt sound to me like you listen to a lot of dream theater :( , becuase the way you described queensryche is exactly how dream theater sounds.also, dream theater is very emotional, and can write long songs without them getting boring. Ive listened to AWAKE for four years now, and it gets more powerfull with each listen.
for fans of DT, check out YES, they rule.
Get rollin, or get rolled over!-diamond darrell