View post (Writting A solo over my chord pattern)

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Joined: 01/04/05
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Registered User
Joined: 01/04/05
Posts: 586
10/28/2005 5:03 pm
Do u know how chords are constructed? if so u will know that a major chord is made of the 1st 3rd and 5th so in Cmaj the notes are C,E,G and the Cmajor scale is C,D,E,F,G,A,B,(C octave) so all u have to do is learn the major scale first.. the Cmajor scale is easiest cause it has no sharps (#) or flats(b) so get that down..then start learning minor scales and so on.. then its just a question of learning how to improvise and come up with solos for your songs and listen to other artists and see how they construct their solos..
Akira says;
"i was expecting some 3476 string string skipping with some 23489172343 octave sweeps and some alt picking runs at 345734237623572bpm in 234872364781246164516th notes across your 2384723648724627348623478264 fret guitar"