Yngwie Malmsteen - Blackstar, Blitzkrieg, Rising Force, Seventh Sign, Fire and Ice, Arpeggios from Hell, Faster than the Speed of Light,Trilogy Suite#5.
Jason Becker / Marty Freidman - Speed Metal Symphony, Concerto, Paganinis 24th caprice, Air ,The Ninja, Opus Pocus, Temple of the Absurd.
George Bellas - Airborne, Run for Cover.
Greg Howe - Bach Moch, High Definition.
Joe Stump - Speedball Sonatina, Dark Gifts.
Vinnie Moore - Minds Eye, The Journey.
Tony MacAlpine - Wheel of Fortune, the Vision, the Raven.
These are some of the best Neo Classical pieces ever, they are nice to listen but HARD to learn on the guitar, especially for begginers. You need to master the Harmonic Minor Scale and Arprggios in all angles of the Neck and requires alot of practice and dedication, Peace and goodluck. ;)
Guitarplaying is 1 Percent Inspiration, 99 Percent Perspiration... :)