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Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
Joined: 06/23/04
Posts: 177
Mr. Hardcore Oldschool
Joined: 06/23/04
Posts: 177
07/23/2005 11:34 pm
Guitars ARE awesome but theres a time when you just have to forget that they can sometimes be expensive. You gotta put that aside and just play...nothing stays in pristine condition forever. Worrying about scratching a guitar will just make u paranoid. Go with the flow...scratches happen. I had my guitar propped next to my desk the other day and when I walked out of my room it decided it wanted to fall down on the ground. There was a loud THUD and I looked back and there was my favorite guitar on the floor, perhaps scratched...but I decided to turn back around and go to school. It stayed there for the next 6 hours or so. Forget it man...have fun playing your guitar. Scratches are all memorys of the good times you've had.