Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsExactly, I chose guitar as well. In my case it was more like a "what do I want to do for the rest of my life". I decided I wanted to play guitar and to focus on a lot of the things they teach in school would be a waste of my time and hinder the process of me getting where I want to be. Of course, I did graduate, just not with flying colors. But I guarantee you I'm way better at guitar than I am with those stupid calculus classes they were pushing me into. The square root of 36(4/2 * 26.3) + pi = not enough practice on my sweeps and taps. Time to put these stupid books away and perfect my art.
Yea it's like at some point, you just have to say, what do I want out of life? I think it's a much better investment in my sanity to play guitar rather than drive myself nuts with the books every night.