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Joined: 09/19/02
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Joined: 09/19/02
Posts: 3,941
04/15/2005 1:00 pm
Personally, I think that some, if not most, of the people who suggest Marshall, Mesa Boogie, etc... aren't very educated on, or experienced with the said brands. From what I see, they are usually young guitarist who haven't been playing very long, and/or really don't know any difference. I alway's try to get an approxamation of the persons budget, how the amp will be used, and what style's it needs to cover before suggesting anything. I usually suggest some sort of Peavey, but that's just me. I love Peavey, and think that they have some great equipment in the "budget" price.

All things aside, the person looking for an amp on a budget should let us know certain things before expecting a serious answere. Technically, budget doesn't mean cheap. A budget is the amount of money a person has to spend, which can be large or small. But, usuall, in this context, it does mean cheap. Also, what's cheap to me may be expensive to someone else, and vise versa.

BTW, I really like the quote in your signature... very thought provoking
[FONT=Palatino Linotype]Tonja Renee's personal instructor[/FONT]